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5 Energy Saving Tips for Winter!

5 Energy Saving Tips for Winter!
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5 Energy Saving Tips for Winter!

Ready or not, cooler weather has arrived here in New England (and even snow, in some parts)! As the last of the leaves fall off the trees, it’s time to prepare for chilly temperatures for months to come. So how does one prepare while remaining energy efficient? We’ve got some tips and tricks for you to help keep your home warm while keeping your utility bills low.

Let the Sunshine In

It may get cold but there are still winter days filled with sun. On sunny days, open up those curtains and make sure to let as much sunshine into your home as possible. The sunshine will naturally warm your home, giving your boiler a well-deserved break.

Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

By using a smart thermostat, you can ensure you’re saving energy and money on your utility bill. Not only can you program the thermostat so that your heat is lower when you’re not home, but a Smart Thermostat will also learn your routine and behaviors, looking out for you when you get too busy to focus on your heat settings.

Learn more: NJNG Blog

Assess Your Insulation Situation

A properly insulated home is a warm and happy one! Make sure your home is properly insulated to ensure your heat doesn’t escape! If leaks are discovered, it’s important to seal them up. You can easily manage leaks around windows, doors, and outlets with simple and affordable weatherization tools. Shop additional weatherization HERE

Reverse Ceiling Fan Rotation

Ceiling fans can do more than keep you cool on a hot day! Did you know that by reversing your ceiling fan rotation in the winter, you can use it to help push warm air downward to keep a room a bit warmer? Fans usually have a switch above the blades that allow you to determine which way the blades turn – counter-clockwise will cool the room as it pushes warm air up, while clockwise will push warm air down to keep you cozy in the winter!

Switch to LEDs and Save w/ Kits

Competing with your neighborhood Clark Griswold every year for the best-decorated house on the block? Do so with LED holiday lights (and any LED bulb!) and save some money on your winter utility bills while also saving energy. LED lights don’t burn out like incandescent bulbs, making them last year after year. They also use up to 33% less energy than those old bulbs you’re used to. While you’re at it, use timers to ensure they turn on and off as needed without having to remember to turn them on or off yourself!

Learn more about the advantages of switching to LED lights in our Lighting Buyers Guide.
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